Multi-Purpose Spaces

Over the past two years, multi-purpose spaces have become a must in homes. Working, teaching, exercising and so many more things are now being done at home. Interior designers are now being challenge with creating spaces to fit so many needs in order for families to function in an orderly manor.

via Haven

via Haven

Instead of a playroom just being a playroom, an area can be designated for schooling and homework. This gives kids their own creative space to work in, and gives parents a space to teach their kids.

via Emily Henderson

via Emily Henderson

Having lots of storage, and smart storage, is a great way to keep a multipurpose space organized and functionable. This is a great example of smart storages when it comes to having an at home gym, but not having enough space to give it a whole room. You could have this in an office space, garage, or basement. It keeps things tucked away and off the floors. Wall space isn’t just for artwork, it can be used for so much more.

Even though most people have gone back to working in the office, some still have the option to work from home. To be productive in your work life, you need a safe environment that is designated for you to work. Say goodbye to dining room tables as an office, and hello again to family dinners. Give yourself a proper sapce to work in. You could add a desk in your living room, bedroom, or take over your kids playroom now that they’re back in school.