What to do with all that mint?

I planted mint in my garden last year with grand ideas of sipping fabulous Mojitos all summer long, but if any of you have ever grown mint, you probably know all too well how quickly that little patch can turn into an unruly jungle! Even after pulling it all out last year to plant in pots, I still have patches popping up! Don't get me wrong....I thoroughly enjoy sipping on Mojitos, but even I couldn't possible drink that many Mojitos to use up all the mint in my mini mint jungle. So... what to do with all that mint?! Well I stumbled across this unique and delicious recipe I thought I would share with all of you for Apricot Almond Chicken with Mint Pesto from my Every Day Food Great Food Fast cookbook. It sounds like an odd combination, but give it a try! It really is yummy. {Click on above link or here for recipe}

And if a liquid diet is more your speed, I saw this amazing recipe in the Pottery Barn Catalog for Mango-Mint Margaritas. They look soooo good!

And lastly, mint is really pretty after it flowers, so you can always create a beautiful edible arrangement.
