A little Fall inspiration from Pinterest

The weather is getting cooler, the days are growing shorter, and it's time to think about Fall Decorating. I'll admit, I've never been a big 'seasonal ' decorator. Those who know me well know that I like to keep the knick-knacks to a minimum, but now that the kids are getting old enough to really get excited about the holidays, I guess it's time to throw in the towel, buck up and buy me some chach-kees. Cole was actually asking me the other day "where are all the Halloween decorations mom?" So I pulled out everything I had (and it's not much) and made a little front entrance vignette to start.

Cute? Yes. But it's not going to get me too far!

I guess I had better get my but in gear and start hitting the craft stores. But before I start my fall/Halloween decor shop-a-thon, I put a few guidelines in place to keep me on track:
1) Less is best
2) It must co-ordinate with my decor but still be fun for the kids.
3) I'm not going to spend a lot.
So I'm going to have to get a little creative & crafty here. Where does one go for holiday decor inspiration? Pinterest. Where else? I'm not going to go on and on about how fabulous a site Pinterest is because everyone is talking about it, and if you haven't heard about it, well you just need to check it out for yourself. 'Nuf said!

Here are some really cute fall & Halloween decorating images I came across on where else but Pinterest.

Pretty White pumpkins? I can live with that.
{Image via Just So Lovely}

Lovely modern felt wreath in fun colour? Sure!

Chevron pillow? Sign me up!!

Branches and bats AND white pumpkins!? Done.

Being that I am new to this Halloween decorating gig, I am going to be doing a daily feature in October showcasing some great Halloween decorating ideas, crafts and even some Halloween munchies! I hope you will join me, and as I learn to overcome my knick-knack phobia, I will be sharing my new knowledge with you!

I'm also linking up over at The Inspired Room's Fall Nesting Party 2011 to get some more great ideas, so head on over and check it out!

Until next time!